speak out pediatric cancer campaign

 1st-training at Bugando medical center on pediatric. 


Did you know that every two minutes a child is diagnosed with cancer? That means 25,000 kids around the world will hear the words “you have cancer” this month alone. the incidence is much increasing in Tanzania where every day a new diagnosed child with cancer is found at the latest stage which results in difficulties in treatment.

Bugando medical center is the referral hospital found in Mwanza region Tanzania where almost all people in lake zone Tanzania seek their health services. on 1st september VACF , iCCARE & BMC oncology department launched the SPEAK OUT PEDIATRIC CANCER PROJECT which aims at eradicating the number of late diagnosed children with cancer to help the effectiveness of chemotherapy treatment offered in free charges at BMC by ICCARE for children.
the campaign started by a conference training to health worker around Mwanza city on the early symptoms of cancer to children , diagnosis tools , treatments and change in referral system to avoid  late diagnosis.further trainings went around mwanza region in four district (sengerema, misngwi, magu and ilemela) consecutively.
The one year project from may 2017 to may 2018 was successful  with great support of funds obtained from Duke university( https://www.facebook.com/dukeuniversityhospital/ ).

Since its founding this initiative has been able to impact the lives of many people by providing cancer education, awareness for living healthier life styles, preventive measures, distributing  pediatric cancer self examination guidelines and health education across  generation.
Over 850 people have been directly reached, and more than 1 million have been reached  indirectly with the project from different media awareness campaigns.
Working for the poor ,rural and hard to reach  communities  is one of the biggest challenges.
 The number of children  reaching to the hospital at early stage of various types of cancer have been increased y 32.4% from the previous data and the survival rate by 23.2%

Training to health worker from rural hospitals of Misungwi district on early sign a child with cancer can show.


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