
Showing posts from January, 2019

Breast Cancer in Tanzania, East -Africa

Gender health . she has b reast cancer, how do we help her to help herself       Did you know .....? Breast cancer cancer is the major global problem ? keneth hilary Bpharm, CEO v acfoundation                                                 Breast cancer is the most common cause of cancer death among women worldwide, representing 25-35% of all female cancer cases. While breast cancer inci­dence rates are higher in high-income countries than in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), case-fatal­ity rates are disproportionately higher in LMICs, due to limited capacity to implement prevention, early detection and treatment programs. she has b reast cancer, how do we help her to help herself -campaign javascript: void(0)   In Tanzania , breast cancer represents 14.4% of new cancers among women. The age-standardized breast cancer incidence in Tanzania is 19.4/100,000 women and the age-standardized breast cancer mortality rate is 9.7/100,000. This trans

She has breast cancer , how do we help her to help herself.

obtained from Know what cancer  a disease is.   by Keneth Hilary   Bharm CEO & founder vacf. Cancer is the term used to describe abnormal cellular division where cells divide without responding to the body’s normal mechanism of control such as apoptosis   or programmed cell death . this is due to damage or mutation of cellular genetic material in the DNA and failure of cellular repair mechanism to repair or destroy   such mutations. The biological mechanism that control the normal cell no longer have   an influence an influence on mutated cell’s behavior and there can be growth without any form of control thus reslts in formation of tumor (uvimbe) . Cancer cells are also able to spread through the body and invade and continue division in other body tissues (metastasis). Cancer are named for the ·          organ in which they arise (e.g   breast cancer or colon cancer) ·            type of cell they arise e.g cancer arise from epithelia

speak out pediatric cancer campaign

 1st-training at Bugando medical center on pediatric.    Did you know that every two minutes a child is diagnosed with cancer? That means 25,000 kids around the world will hear the words “you have cancer” this month alone. the incidence is much increasing in Tanzania where every day a new diagnosed child with cancer is found at the latest stage which results in difficulties in treatment. Bugando medical center is the referral hospital found in Mwanza region Tanzania where almost all people in lake zone Tanzania seek their health services. on 1st september VACF , iCCARE & BMC oncology department launched the SPEAK OUT PEDIATRIC CANCER PROJECT which aims at eradicating the number of late diagnosed children with cancer to help the effectiveness of chemotherapy treatment offered in free charges at BMC by ICCARE for children. the campaign started by a conference training to health worker around Mwanza city on the early symptoms of cancer to children , diagnosis tool